
Lisa Goodwin is the 8th chaired Bard of Ynys Witrin (otherwise known as Glastonbury), http://ynyswitrin.org.uk/news/ and since winning the contest has been hosting the Bardic Circle and AvalonVox Poetry Slam in The Assembly Rooms of Glastonbury. Lisa’s writing leans towards subjects of mystery, magic, theology, politics, history and living mythology.



4 responses to “About

  1. Dear Lisa

    I have read of the danger of closure for the White Spring.

    I am organising and delivering the DRUID 2013 conference this Saturday (14th September) in Wolverhampton.

    If anyone can post in the mail anything like flyers or letters to me this week I will give them out to the attendees at the DRUID 2013 conference. There will be up to 150 people there.

    Additionally, if you want it and can get to us, there will be a spare 1m x 1m table going free if anyone wants to ‘man’ it. I just need to know you are coming and who (name) that will be. (IF you do come to take a table the flyers can come with you of course).

    Love and blessings

    Geoff Boswell
    Druids of Albion &
    The Druid Forum
    for DRUID 2013

    • Hi Geoff, – thank you so much for the offer to come but i am already booked that day – I so wish I could get there, it would be a fantastic chance to spread the word in your area x I can send a file that can be printed from if you wish – my printer is out of action, otherwise i would print flyers and send them xx much love, let me know if you want me to send a file xx

  2. Send me the file Lisa.

    I will read an appeal out to the conference on your behalf.

    Don’t forget to let me know how else I can help.


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